Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Conflicts in agricultural organizations: history and present

УДК 349.2


Boris Voronin,

Yana Voronina

Ural State Agrarian University. 620075, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Karla Libknekhta str., 42.

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The authors of this article analyze conflict situations and the risks of their occurrence in the enterprise, based on the dogmas of law and economics. The article focuses on the modern development of the economy: the authors of the study argue that with the advent of a new economic era after the collapse of the USSR, new agricultural enterprises with new organizational and legal forms of management began to form in our state, which led to the emergence of new labor and property relations and became the causes of new types of conflicts. The authors of the article cite the reasons for such conflicts as changes in working conditions, wages and other factors affecting the livelihoods of villagers. As one of the reasons for resolving such conflicts, the authors propose the development of the institution of a collective agreement, which will prescribe the rights and obligations of both the employer and employees, as well as provide ways to resolve various conflict situations that arise during the course of employment in the agricultural sector.

Keywords: conflict; labor conflicts; agricultural organizations; management; resolution of labor conflicts

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