Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Authors guide

- Rules for publishing articles in the journal -

* The volume of the article is from 10 to 20 printed pages

* Times New Roman font, size 14, interval one and a half, indent 1.25 cm.

* Originality of at least 70% %

* Students ' articles are accepted only in co-authorship with the supervisor

* Articles of undergraduates and postgraduates are accepted only if there is a review from the supervisor

* The article must contain references to at least 10 scientific sources (the editorial board reserves the right to expand this list)

  • The article should contain the title in Russian and English languages, an abstract (at least 50 words) in Russian and English languages, keywords (at least 5) in Russian and English

* The author must specify the UDC, BBK, and ORCID codes

  • The information about the author should include the full name, position, place of work( study), the presence of an academic degree (if any), the address of the employer organization( address of the place of study), contact e-mail
  • By sending the article to the editor, the author confirms that this scientific work has not been previously published, is original, and the author agrees to publish it in the journal "Agrarian Education and Science".

* Publication is free of charge.

References to sources are made according to the rules of the Harvard citation system directly in the text in square brackets, which indicate the name of the author of the publication, the year of publication and (if necessary) the page number

[Ivanov 2014; 123]

- Making a list of references -

The list of references includes only scientific sources (books, monographs, dissertations, dissertation abstracts, articles, abstracts), as well as archival sources. Laws, other legal acts, court decisions, reference literature, publications in newspapers are not included in the list of references! The list of references may also include publications on the Internet (including blogs), if they meet the criteria of scientific sources. Textbooks and textbooks are not scientific sources, so references to them are allowed only in exceptional cases.

In the list of references, sources are entered in the language in which they are published.

In the list of references, only those sources that are referenced in the text of the article are indicated.

The number of scientific sources in the list of references – at least 10. We welcome the use of sources not only in Russian, but also in foreign languages.

Self-citation (i.e., citation of references to the author's works in the list of sources) in the journal is not welcome, although it is allowed if necessary (if it is justified by the goals and content of the article). In any case, the number of references to the author's own works should not exceed 20% of the total number of sources in the list of references.

The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order. If several sources of the same author are given, then the sources published earlier are indicated first.

The list of references provides a complete bibliographic description of the source.


- Author's reference

- Expert opinion



Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

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