Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Management monitoring as a method of integrated assessment of the effectiveness of the educational organization

B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

O.G. Loretts, doktor biologicheskih nauk, professor,

I.P. Chupina, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor UrGAU.

A.N. Mitin, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor UrGYUU.

This article discusses the problems of creating an effective system of management monitoring and management monitoring in an educational organization. Along with the shortcomings in the implementation of management monitoring in the educational organization, the problem of quality monitoring information is highlighted. To achieve the effectiveness of management and functioning of the educational organization, it is necessary to create a high-quality expert system that provides reliable and accurate information about the activities of all subsystems, based on objective evidence-based, quality management information. The content of such information should include a variety of data, from the curriculum and timetable to General recommendations that determine the direction, quality and methods of training. As a result, the Manager must obtain strategic and tactical information to ensure the effectiveness of the organization's management process. Management monitoring is a way of such a complex integrated assessment of the effectiveness of the educational organization.


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