Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Corporate culture in the organization

B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

M.S. Serebrennikova, starshiy prepodavatel,

N.B. Fateeva, starshiy prepodavatel UrGAU.

A.N. Mitin, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor UrGYUU.

The effectiveness of the organization is determined by the following factors: the technical and organizational level of production, the qualification of personnel, the level of motivation and labor, the existence of a development strategy. These mechanisms are usually regulated in various regulatory documents: technical passports, plans, programs, tariff system and others. At the same time, in the collective of any organization there is such a sphere of relations that does not lend itself to formal regulation. These relations develop over a number of years according to unwritten rules under the influence of historical experience, the mentality of people, local customs and traditions, spiritual values and tastes. These relations are manifested in the informal division of labor, the presence of informal leaders, established habits and traditions, as well as a special microclimate in the team. The whole sphere is united by the concept of "corporate (or organizational) culture". Corporate (organizational) culture is based on the fundamental values shared by the members of the company. These values in different corporations can be different, including, depending on whose interests are at the heart of the company's activities: the company itself or its individual members. From the values mentioned above, the styles of leadership, behavior, communication, activity follow. A high level of corporate culture is an important strategic factor that mobilizes all the structural faces of the organization and its individual employees to achieve their stated goals within the declared mission of the company. The above is directly related to agricultural organizations and, in general, the agro-industrial complex.


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