Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Features of management of housing and communal services in the city of Yekaterinburg

V.I. Nabokov, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta

(Ekaterinburg, Karla Libknehta, 42).

In terms of improving the quality of life of the population of Yekaterinburg, special atten-tion is paid to housing and communal services. Today, the city has a number of strategic projects and municipal programs aimed at improving the quality of housing and communal services. In the framework of the strategic project "the master of the house (territory)" is planned to hold a series of events until the end of 2020 for a total amount of 40 million RUB All activities aimed at encouraging owners of apartment houses to government housing. Within the framework of the strategic project "housing Safety" it is planned to reconstruct and eliminate dilapidated and dilapidated housing. The project is designed for 2011-2020. The total amount of financing planned at the level of 14558 million. Also in the city operates a mu-nicipal program "Development of housing and communal services, improving energy efficiency in the municipal formation "city Ekaterinburg" for 2017-2020". The purpose of this program is to improve the quality of life of the population by ensur-ing quality and uninterrupted provision of housing and communal services, as well as their avail-ability to the population. For the period 2017-2020, 1711 million rubles were pledged for the purpose of implementing the program.


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4. Postanovlenie Administratsii goroda Ekaterinburga «Ob utverzhdenii munitsi-palnoy programmy «Razvitie zhilischnogo i kommunalnogo hozyaystva, povyshenie ener-geticheskoy effektivnosti v munitsipalnom obrazovanii «gorod Ekaterinburg» na 2017–2020 gody ot 03.11.2016 (v red. 27.12.2017).
5. Osnovnye pokazateli sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Ekaterinbur-ga po Upravleniyu zhilischnogo i kommunalnogo hozyaystva [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: https://xn--80acgfbsl1azdqr.xn--p1ai.
6. Upravlenie zhilischno-kommunalnogo hozyaystva. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: https://xn--c1akhxjc.xn--80acgfbsl1azdqr.xn--p1ai/municipal/?part=depart&sub1=21.
7. Rezultaty provedennyh na portale «Otkrytoe Pravitelstvo Sverdlovskoy ob-lasti» oprosov grazhdan Sverdlovskoy oblasti po kriteriyu «Udovletvorennost nasele-niya zhilischno-kommunalnymi uslugami: urovnem organizatsii teplosnabzheniya (snabzhe-nie naseleniya toplivom), vodosnabzheniya (vodootvedeniya), elektrosnabzheniya, gazosnab-zheniya (protsentov ot chisla oproshennyh)» [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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