Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Structure of Breeding Network and Organization of Selection and Breeding Work in Meat Cattle Breeding

УДК 636


Chechenikhina O. S.,

Svetikova E. A.

This article discusses the structure of the breeding network and the organization of selection and breeding work in beef cattle breeding. In particular, the stages of breeding work (assessment, selection and selection) are described in detail. Various types of selection (homogeneous and heterogeneous), as well as their varieties are considered. Also in breeding, three main methods are used - purebred breeding, crossing and hybridization. Organizations engaged in breeding work are given. The relevance of the topic at the present time lies in the fact that modern breeds of cattle, although they have high productive capabilities, but in order to maintain and further increase their productivity, they require the implementation of a set of measures for breeding work with them.

Keywords: breeding work, beef cattle breeding, selection, selection, crossing, hybridization, purebred breeding.

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