Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Comparative Analysis of White Giant and German Mottled Giant Rabbits

УДК 636.92(076)


Morgoeva M.V.,

Chepushtanova O.V.,

Kashkovskaya V.P.,

Rogozinnikova I.V.

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of rabbits of the white giant breeds of Russian breeding and the German mottled giant. White giants are widespread and highly valued by domestic breeders, thanks to a number of their economically useful signs, compared with the livestock of "strokuch", which are only gaining popularity in our country. In this regard, the features of the exterior and the differences between the development of individual measurements and the downness index in standard rabbits of these breeds have been studied and characterized. A significant difference was revealed between the average indicators of such productive qualities of rabbits as the live weight of full-aged animals, fertility and milk production of females, the age of puberty, the safety of young animals in farms, the intensity of the use of rabbits breeding core. Also presented are the results of the dynamics of the live weight of white and German variegated giant rabbits from the moment of depositing the young from their mothers and their complete independence until slaughter at 120 days of age with an external cellular system of maintenance, with a further complete analysis of the meat productivity of the animals. A comprehensive assessment of the quality of the main products (meat, skins) obtained from the compared breeds of the meat-processing direction of productivity was carried out. It also describes the main features and differences in maintenance and feeding, peculiar exclusively to the studied breeds and having a great impact on the productivity and efficiency of rabbit breeding. The results of the work carried out indicate that the demand for white giants and the interest in the foreign breed of "stringers" of domestic rabbit breeders are fully justified. The German motley giant in the near future may become a contender on a par with the white giants for the title of one of the most promising breeds for breeding in our country.

Keywords: rabbits, white giant, German mottled giant, rabbit meat, exterior indicators, downness index, hair color, skin quality, meat productivity, slaughter yield, live weight.

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