УДК 372.863
Sadov A. A.
Ural State Agrarian University. 620075, Russian Federation, Yeketerinburg, K. Libknekhta, 42. E-mail:
Considering the discipline involving the process of studying the basics of calculating agricultural machines, in order to reduce the training time, it is necessary to study machines united by the commonality of the technological processes and operations performed by them, which are set out in the traditions of the school of academician V.P. Goryachkin, laid down in agricultural mechanics. Considering that the brands, models and partially designs of machines often change, and the principles of their operation remain unchanged, the learning process should be based on the features of technological processes of working bodies and machines. However, due to the many technological principles embedded in the design of agricultural, there are many methods and tools that underlie the theory of work processes. For the successful development of complex material in the Ural State Agrarian University, separate training of the construction material of agricultural machines and the basics of calculating agricultural machines is proposed. The division of the discipline allows you to adapt the material by levels (initial, basic) for 3rd year students with the possibility of practical training and employment as a mechanic, mechanic, (basic, advanced) for 4th year students with the possibility of designing agricultural machines used in diploma design as well as future employment as a chief mechanic, designer, technologist.
Keywords: education, training, agricultural machines, higher school.
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