4-2022-en № 4-2022 № п/п The contents and annotations Downloadthe article AGRARIAN LAW AND ECONOMIC 1 Voronin B. A., Voronina Ya. V. Management: Goals and Objectives in Modern Agricultural and Other Agricultural Organizations 2 Karpukhin M. Yu., Khomyakova M. A., Drozdov E. A. Criminal punishment for illegal hunting 3 Baynashev R. R., Kuchumova G.V. Providing Employees of a Woodworking Enterprise with Means of Protection AGRONOMY AND CROP PRODUCTION 4 Grinets L.V., Chulkova V. V. Rationale for Choice Ways of Using Fertilizers 5 Tatarchuk A. P. Calculation of Gravitational Anomalies Using the Characteristics of Geoid Models 6 Ivanova M. S. The Use of Growth Stimulants in Pre-Sowing Treatment of Seeds 7 Kravchuk A. A., Chapalda T. L. Morphological Signs of Seeded Cannabis. The Use of Seeds of Seed Hemp in the Food Industry 8 Krasnova A. A., Malanichev S. A. Agrophysical Indicators of Soil Fertility VETERINARY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 9 Morgoeva M.V., Chepushtanova O.V., Kashkovskaya V.P., Rogozinnikova I.V. Comparative Analysis of White Giant and German Mottled Giant Rabbits 10 Lopaeva N. L. Hygiene of Keeping Birds EDUCATION 11 Gizetdinova A.E., Melyakova O.A. Organization of First Aid Training 12 Korotkova E. A., Yukareva Yu. V. Scientific and Methodological Support of the Effectiveness of the Program of Education of Students of the Ural State Agrarian University 13 Sadov A. A. Formation of The Educational Process When Teaching the Discipline "Agricultural Machines" 14 Staritsyna I.A., Vashukevich N.V., Smirnova A.D., Staritsyna N. A. Problems of Soil Education 15 Bukina T. G. Identification, Application and Dissemination of the Most Effective Forms and Methods of Organizing the Educational Process at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 16 Simonovich N. E., Bagretsov D. N. Psychological Features of Senior Management Training in Modern Russia