Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


L. A. Zhuravleva, k.f.n., dotsent Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta E. V. Zarubina, k.f.n., dotsent Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta N. N. Simachkova, k.i.n., dotsent Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta

Each year, counterfeit dairy products on the shelves of our stores account for approximately 26 - 30%. According to the Rosselkhoznadzor, the share of counterfeit products can reach 45 - 50%. The consumer is misled by the inscriptions on the packaging, where the product quality is guaranteed. What is counterfeit? A fake is a dairy product that claims to be a natural dairy product, but in fact is not. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze dairy products in the country as a whole and on a regional scale. To achieve the set goal of researching the dairy market, a systematic approach was applied, as well as a comparative analysis method. Based on the statistical data of agricultural enterprises and organizations of the Sverdlovsk region and the country as a whole, indicators of the efficiency of using the organizational and economic mechanism of management in the dairy industry were calculated and analyzed and the possibilities of implementing financial support for producers to provide the dairy market were identified.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

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