Анисимова Полина Александровна, магистрант, Журавлева Людмила Анатольевна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, Кружкова Татьяна Ивановна, кандидат исторических наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский ГАУ» г. Екатеринбург, ул. Карла Либкнехта 42, Россия
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of agrarian reform in Russia, which does not lose its relevance. A retrospective analysis is proposed and the main stages of the development of agricultural policy in our country are highlighted. The conclusion is made about the need for digitization of agriculture as a trend of reforming the agro-industrial complex of modern Russia. Key words: agrarian reform, problems of agricultural development, retrospective analysis, digitization of the agricultural sector.