Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The impact of staff motivation on the organization's sustainable economic performance

B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

M.S. Serebrennikova, starshiy prepodavatel,

N.B. Fateeva, starshiy prepodavatel UrGAU. 

The current stage of economic transformations in Russia is characterized by the fact that enterprises operate in the context of the growing demands of various social groups. In this regard, the creation of an effective system for motivating and motivating staff is of particular relevance. Motives and incentives play an important role in the work of a person. Without them, work can not be carried out expediently. But the motives and incentives are different and can act with varying strength, causing directional or non-directional activity of the person. The practical function of motivation is to select various methods and methods of effective impact on personnel in order to focus on performance, taking into account the motivational attitudes of employees and their professional and personal potential. The effectiveness of the system of motivation and stimulation of personnel in practical activities largely depends on the management bodies, although in recent years, certain steps have been taken to increase the role of enterprises themselves in developing their own systems of motivation and incentives for staff. The development and implementation of a system of personnel incentives is necessary in this organization, in order that the enterprise would work more efficiently and the returns from employees be higher, and not bear the losses associated with the outflow of unmet specialists.


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