Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


S.R. Chedzhemov, doktor pedagogicheskih nauk, professor,

Severo-Osetinskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. K.L. Hetagurova, Severo-Osetinskaya gosudarstvennaya meditsinskaya akademiya.

Today in the world there is a growing awareness that the Earth and humanity are faced with a real threat of physical annihilation. In these circumstances, the special value increases dramatically and Earth Sciences. In our view, however, is not quite correct, take them fully as natural science, do not depend on the human factor. The purpose of this study is due to processes occurring in the world today, namely the transition of mankind to a new form of development in which quantitative growth gives way to an era of qualitative improvement of mankind. It particularly raises the question of the need to preserve the land as an economic and cultural life of peoples inhabiting it. This work is an integral character. It addresses historical aspects of Earth in the writings of eminent representatives of the the peoples of southern Russia.The object of research is the un-derstanding of the experience and results of business and economic activities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the North Caucasus, the spheres of economy, in the works of such prominent representatives of intellectuals as G.V. Baev, G.M. Tsagolov, K.l. Khetagurov, A.G. Arda-senov. Analysis of their artistic heritage will not only recreate the genuine history of the devel-opment of socio-economic relations in the region, which in itself is of great educational value, because a new generation of Russian citizens must preserve traditions and spiritual values of their ancestors, but also reveal the distinctive concept of socio-economic and legal development of mountain regions of the North Caucasus. In the writings of eminent representatives of the Ossetian humanitarian thoughts we find bold innovative ideas that enable us to assert that they were able to rise above narrow national thinking and justify the need for an integrated scientific under-standing of the Eurasian economic integration.


1. Magometov A.A., Chedzhemov S.R. Kultura, intelligentsiya, obrazovanie: istoriya i teoriya. Vladikavkaz, SOGU im. K.L. Hetagurova, 2014. 182 s.
2. Tsiolkovskiy K.E. Grezy o zemle i nebe: nauchno-fantasticheskie proizvedeniya. Tula: PKI, 2018. 488 s.
3. Vernadskiy V.I. Nachalo i vechnost zhizni M., 2014. 702 s.
4. Chedzhemov S.R. Razvitie gosudarstvenno-pravovyh otnosheniy i pravovoy kultury na yuge Rossii (HVIII – nachalo HIH vekov). Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2009. # 7. S. 77-82.
5. Chedzhemov S.R. Pravoposlushanie kak rezultat pravovoy akkulturatsii na yuge Rossii do revolyutsionnyh sobytiy 1917 g. (po materialam istorii osetinskogo naroda). Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava. 2017. # 11 (251). S. 25-33.
6. Ankvab M.F. Narodnaya pedagogika abhazov: vospitanie detey posredstvom traditsiy i obychaev. Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2015. # 5 (135). S. 61-63.
7. Belogurov A.YU., Chedzhemov S. R. Kosta Hetagurov – prosvetitel i gumanist. Pedagogika. 2009. # 10. C. 81-85.
8. Aylarova S.A. Andrey Baev i ego kniga «Stati po kooperatsii». Izvestiya SO-IGSI. 2017. # 26 (65). S. 32-41.
9. Hetagurov K.L. Vladikavkazskie pisma. Severnyy Kavkaz. 1896. 1 avgusta.
10. Tuaeva B.V., Kanukova Z.V., Usova YU.V., Plieva Z.T. Remeslenniki v sotsialno klassovoy strukture gorodov Severnogo Kavkaza. Bylye gody. Rossiyskiy istoricheskiy zhurnal. 2017. # 44 (2). S. 378-386.
11. Hetagurov K.L. Izbavi Bog i nas ot etakih sudey // Antologiya pedagogicheskoy mysli Severnoy Osetii. Sost. E.K. Kargiev, S.R. Chedzhemov. Vladikavkaz, Ir, 1993. 416 s.
12. Tsagolov G.M. Nochyu v gorah. Sobranie sochineniy v 3-h t. T.1. S. 22-23. Vladikavkaz: Ir, 1992. 344 c.
13. Kanukova Z.V., Tuaeva B.V. Etnicheskie gruppy v Osetii: istoricheskiy opyt zhizneustroystva i perspektivy etnokulturnogo razvitiya. V sbornike: Mezhnatsional-noe soglasie – sotsialnyy prioritet gosudarstvennosti Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 2018. S. 164-171.
14. Ardasenov Alihan. Izbrannye trudy. Vladikavkaz, 1997. 335 s.
15. Bekoeva T.A., Aylarova S.A. Nauchno-prosvetitelskaya deyatelnost N.I. Voronova na Severnom Kavkaze. Ekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye issledovaniya regionov. 2017. # 2. S. 9-15.
16. Ardasenov A.G. [V.N.L.]. Perehodnoe sostoyanie gortsev Severnogo Kavkaza. Tiflis, 1896. 120 s.
17. Aylarova S.A. Kulturno-hozyaystvennye idei severokavkazskih prosvetiteley pervoy poloviny XIX veka. Ekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye issledovaniya regionov. 2015. # 5. S. 14-22.
18. Chedzhemov S.R. A. G. Ardasenov o gosudarstve, prave i obrazovatelnoy politike. Vestnik Severo-Osetinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. K.L. Hetagurova. 2013. # 1. S.69-72.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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