Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


T.N. Korzhavina, kandidat pedagogicheskih nauk,

Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet (Ekaterinburg, ul. K. Libknehta, d.42).

At present, the problem of optimizing the process of adaptation of students in an educational organization, and in the future their entry into professional activities, is becoming increasingly important. The higher the level of coordination of human competencies with the content and requirements of different activities (educational, professional), the more successful it will be able to adapt to the profession. Adaptation to the profession does not mean a simple adaptation to the conditions of professional activity, but a special kind of work, creativity, self-realization and self-development of a specialist. The article describes the adaptation of the institution in 35.03.06 "Graingene-Riya" the profile "Technical service in agriculture" for future professional activity. The basic components of adaptation are revealed, the principles and conditions of formation of professional competences of future specialists in educational organization are developed, the structural and functional model of adaptation of students of higher education institution to future professional activity is constructed. Adaptation of students enrolled in the direction of 35.03.06 "Agroengineering" the profile "Technical service in the agro-industrial com-Plex" is seen as a gradual two-way process of successful occurrences of sposobina, development of a student and transforming their environment in terms of educational organizations for the purpose of active conscious attitude in their future professional ac-tivities. One of the possible options for the implementation of the process of adaptation in the design of the content of education, we consider the combination of block-modular learning technology with the formation of a continuous chain of adaptive situations. Thus, with the complexity of the content of professional functions performed by the student, he accumulates experience of possible behaviors in the face of difficulties and successfully formed professional competence.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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