Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The state of Russian management and its development

Bagretsov D.N., kandidat filologicheskih nauk, dotsent UrGAU. 

Russian management was formed in the conditions of transition from an excessively centralized economy to a market economy. It has largely inherited the old, command-and-control system. At the same time, organizations, economic entities have been operating in the market economy for several years and have acquired some features characteristic of the subjects of market relations. Socio-economic factors have had and continue to have a significant impact on the formation of Russian management. The business environment of economic entities has a direct impact on the activities of domestic organizations, The study showed that modern Russian management has significant features and disadvantages. However, there are factors that have a direct positive impact on the formation of Russian management. Further successful development of Russian management requires: optimal use of foreign management experience; orientation to significant creative potential of Russian workers, engineering and technical workers and managers; consideration of national traditions, culture, peculiarities of character, mentality and system of values of employees of domestic and joint organizations. This will increase the level of Russian management, which will certainly contribute to the accelerated development of the domestic economy and social sphere.


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12. Nabokov V.I., Mingalev V.D., Pustuyev A.L., Sharapova V.M., Gritsova O.A., Rubaeva O.D., Rasorvin I.V. Marketing information analysis on educational service quality in termsof innovative activity. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication – TOJDAS. March 2018 Special Edition, 31-38.
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