Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Strategic planning as the basis for competitive advantages of an enterprise

YU.N. Chupin, aspirant UrGAU. 

The competitiveness of enterprises is today one of the key elements of competence of a specialist of any profile and Manager at any level. The creation of competitive advantage in the field of national economy is a strategic direction of activity of the state. The competitiveness between the different levels of production: production, plant, industry, region and country as a whole, but of extreme importance is the competitiveness of the enterprise as managers of the economy. When you develop a enterprise strategy need to use not only the environment, but the situation within the enterprise. It is necessary to identify those internal variables that can be considered as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, assess their importance and to establish which of these variables can be the basis of competitive advantage. For this analyses the internal environment of the enterprise. It can be noted that the degree of influence of competitive forces determines the ultimate profit potential industry. The company's goal is to find and occupy a position in the industry where it is best protected from the influence of these forces or be able to influence them. The analysis revealed competitive forces provides a strong basis for the strategic action plan. In this case, each entity is in a unique competitive situation, hence the need to search for a variety of competitive solutions.


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