Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Institutional actors of formation of personnel potential of the territory

L. N. Petrova, starshiy prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta

(Ekaterinburg, Karla Libnehta, 42).

The complex problems of labor important are the questions of formation of labour resources of the region, involving the process of ensuring each region the necessary number of employees of a certain occupational composition in accordance with a relevant site structure jobs. The formation of labour resources primarily included training new personnel for reim-bursement of their natural decline and ensuring that growth, appropriate to the scale of production and level of development of productive forces. In connection with the formation of the Russian economic system to market economy re-sulted in a rapid disengagement of the state in matters of forming a new quality of human capital. The solution to this problem was almost completely became the responsibility of the bearers of human capital – people. This approach fundamentally undermines the possibility of the formation of necessary conditions for innovative economy as the needs of social production in the human capital of the appropriate quality and quantity often cannot be met by separate groups of households.


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2. Voronin B. A., Fateeva N. B. Obespechenie kvalifitsirovannymi spetsialistami APK: sotsialno – ekonomicheskie problemy (na primere Sverdlovskoy oblasti) // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2014. # 11. S.60-62.
3. Voronin B. A., Fateeva N. B. O podgotovke kadrov s vysshim professionalnym obrazovaniem dlya APK // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2015. # 2 (132). S. 77-79.
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5. Chupina I. P., Mingalev V. D., Kamenskih N. V. Gosudarstvennaya kadrovaya politika v agropromyshlennom komplekse // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2016. # 6 (148). S. 111 – 116.
6. Chupina I. P. Aktualnye problemy obrazovaniya v Rossii. V sbornike: Pedagogika i psihologiya v kontekste sovremennyh issledovaniy problem razvitiya lichnosti. Sbornik materialov XI Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya. 2016. S. 16-18.
7. Chupina I. P. Formirovanie obschey strategii marketinga vuza kak vybor strategii obrazovatelnyh uslug. V sbornike: Nauka segodnya: teoriya, praktika, innovatsii sbornik XI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 2016. S. 976-979.

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