Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Secondary vocational education as part of the state system of vocational education

B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

I.P. Chupina, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor,

YA.V. Voronina, starshiy prepodavatel,

N.B. Fateeva, starshiy prepodavatel UrGAU. 

Secondary vocational education-part of the state system of vocational education, providing training of skilled workers and middlelevel specialists. These personnel are vital for improving the competitiveness of the Russian economy, as stated in the state and government documents of recent years. In modern conditions, the training of highly skilled workers and mid-level specialists in demand in the labor market is impossible without the cooperation of a professional educational organization with enterprises operating in the economic space of a particular territory. In this regard, further theoretical and methodological justification and practical implementation of organizational, economic and pedagogical bases of public - private partnership and network interaction of the professional educational organization with the city - forming industrial enterprise and the developed territorial scientific and educational cluster is required.


1. Bayborodova L.V., Repina A.V. Organizatsiya setevogo vzaimodeystviya obrazovatelnyh uchrezhdeniy pri realizatsii innovatsionnyh proektov // Yaroslavskiy pedagogicheskiy vestnik. Nauchnyy zhurnal. 2013. # 3, t. 2. S. 21-25.
2. Voronin B. A., Fateeva N. B. Obespechenie kvalifitsirovannymi spetsialistami APK: sotsialno – ekonomicheskie problemy (na primere Sverdlovskoy oblasti) // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2014. # 11. S.60-62.
3. Voronin B. A., Fateeva N. B. O podgotovke kadrov s vysshim professionalnym obrazovaniem dlya APK // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2015. # 2 (132). S. 77-79.
4. Chupina I. P. Aktualnye problemy obrazovaniya v Rossii. V sbornike: Pedagogika i psihologiya v kontekste sovremennyh issledovaniy problem razvitiya lichnosti. Sbornik materialov XI Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya. 2016. S. 16-18.
5. Chupina I. P. Formirovanie obschey strategii marketinga vuza kak vybor strategii obrazovatelnyh uslug. V sbornike: Nauka segodnya: teoriya, praktika, innovatsii sbornik XI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 2016. S. 976-979.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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