Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Features of marketing in agriculture

YA.V. Voronina, starshiy prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta

(Ekaterinburg, Karla Libnehta, 42).

Under the conditions of reforming of agrarian sector of economy particularly relevant is the introduction of the concept of agromarketing, allowing agricultural enterprises to better adapt to negative factors of environment. For effective agribusiness management agribusiness increase is necessary to Russia to make sense of the needs of marketing and consider determined by their activities in foreign agricultural needs of the farms. Marketing, consistent associated with the complex products of agriculture, some harder industrial and those areas more than any other orientation types of marketing application that is determined to compete a variety of methods, farms techniques and methods of system implementation marketing from the present small number of aim products, production focused, increases the required significance. orientations Some of them are satisfy with the goods In the first necessary, the second - ecologically addition to harmony of material and utility needs, first others are including to meet the role of high-level Intelligent life, increase its aesthetics. Not Seventh not to mention traditions this specific soil characteristic of agromarketing in the Primary groups of small business verified its adaptability the functions of the replacement is not trained it professionals, and the identity of the entrepreneurs themselves. satisfaction Thus spreading the diversity of the objective and which subjective conditions the Product is effective agromarketing in the feature comparison with the industrial and the Eighth accounts for its complexity.


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