Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Economic components of management in agro-industrial complex

N.A. Alimardanova, starshiy prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta

(Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Libknehta, 42).

The agro-industrial complex and its components today should be considered as a socio-economic system. The management process must be viewed as a complex dynamic structure, in which the relationship of parts and elements causes a "chain reaction" changes when you change components. Socio-economic factors play an important role not only in successful functioning of agro-industrial complex, but also have a significant impact on the location of agro-industries. Depending on the availability of labour is developing a specific mode of production of agricultural products, which in turn varies with the complexity of the process. Often socio-demographic factors significantly limit the possibility of production and affected the export of certain agricultural products, which was previously delivered to a public Fund planned volumes. The process of development of the agro-industrial complex should include an active social policy and innovation, to create effective mechanisms to upgrade the entire social complex of technology and knowledge in General. Why you must use the tax, credit, investment instru-ments, clearly define the degree of responsibility of business and government and to organize control over the activities of all socio-economic actors.


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