Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Features of the Motivational Sphere of Independent Students

УДК 37.015.03


I.Yu. Smirnova

This article publishes the results of a study of the characteristics of the motivational-volitional sphere in independent students aged 18-23 years. An analysis of data on diagnostic methods for studying independence (experimental group) and learned helplessness (control group), as well as a comparative analysis of indicators of the motivational sphere among students in the experimental and control groups are presented. The results obtained can be used by psychologists when providing psychological support to students who show signs of problems in the motivational sphere. Methodological recommendations for students and teachers on organizing conditions conducive to the formation of independence are formulated.

Keywords: independence, learned helplessness, motivation, level of aspirations, affiliation motivation, student age, self-realization. 

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