Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Using the Office Package of Applications in Educational Activities and Production

УДК 631.158:658.3


I.I. Goldina

 G.A. Iovlev

The article discusses the use in educational and practical activities of the most used office suites of Microsoft Office applications for Windows operating systems: Microsoft Word (for creating documents of varying complexity), Microsoft Excel (for working with spreadsheets), Microsoft PowerPoint (for preparing and viewing presentations). Examples of the application of these applications in laboratory work, preparation of final qualification works (WQR) are given. The experience of using the Microsoft Excel application in practice is presented, in particular, when planning and monitoring maintenance and repair at a specific operating enterprise (agricultural organization, motor transport enterprise). Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of application packages in educational and practical activities.

Key words: office suite of applications, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, educational activities, practical activities.

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