3-2023-en № 3-2023 № The contents and annotations Downloadthe article CONGRATULATIONS 1 Congratulations to N. A. Dukhno on his anniversary AGRONOMY AND LAND MANAGEMENT 2 Karpukhin M. Yu., Rogacheva T. A. Competitive Testing of New Tomato Hybrids of Ural Selection in Protected Soil on Low-Volume Hydroponics 3 Tatarchuk A. P. Problems of Placement of the Residential Area of Ordzhonikidzevsky District of Yekaterinburg 4 Abduraimov A. Influence of Weather Conditions on the Ontogenesis of the Colorado Potato Beetle 5 Saidzoda S. T. Karomatov G. G. Suyarova S. D. Saidova S. S. The Nature of the Spread of Assimilates in the Organs of Cotton LAW AND ECONOMIC 6 Voronin B. A., Voronina Ya. V. Personal Subsidiary Farm as a Subject of Agricultural Cooperation 7 Magazinov V. V. Administrative Expulsion in the era of the Pandemic: Legal and Economic Aspects 8 Khomyakova M. A. Determinants of Illegal Hunting 9 Shamoi V. M. Legal Regulation of Bankruptcy of Citizens in the Russian Federation: Sources of Law 10 Vasilyev A. O. Definition Types and Signs of a Contract in Russian Law BIOTECHNOLOGIES 11 Chechenikhina O. S., Batakova D.V. Mechanization of Labor-Intensive Processes on Dairy Farms and Complexes 12 Chulkova V. V., Rymar O. M., Danko E. F. Evaluation of Malting Barley Varieties in the Conditions of the Middle Ural AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION 13 Goldina I. I., Iovlev G. A. Using the Office Package of Applications in Educational Activities and Production 14 Popova T. G., Getmanov G. G. Using the E-250 Stand for Diagnosing Electrical Equipment of cars as Laboratory Equipment in an Agricultural University 15 Smirnova I. Yu. Features of the Motivational Sphere of Independent Students REVIEWS 16 Khomyakova M. A. XI Interregional Agro-Industrial Exhibition of the Ural Federal District: overview of events and round tables