Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Brief Review of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: Current Aspects

УДК 338.43.02


Svetlana Golovina

The agrarian policy implemented in many countries of the world is subject to serious transformations today, connected, firstly, with rapid technical progress and corresponding changes in the technologies used, and secondly, with significant fluctuations in the external environment caused by challenges and threats of biological, political, climatic and other nature. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), implemented within the borders of the European Union, is also undergoing significant changes today, mainly due to the orientation of society towards solving important environmental problems, combating the negative effects of climate change, political upheavals, disruption of the existing supply of certain resources (primarily energy resources and fertilizers). At the same time, it should be emphasized that the history of CAP has meant a permanent evolution, including its classical foundations, on which state support for the agricultural industry and rural areas is built. Considering this circumstance, the article presents an overview and analytical material describing the main stages in the development of CAP, trends in the development of this policy, the correlation between the reform of its content and global trends observed in the economy, ecology, society as a whole. The generalizing conclusions formulated in the work relate to the possibilities of adapting CAP to the changing global and national conditions for the functioning of agriculture and the rural territorial space of the EU Member States, the need to revise the content of the CAP components, in particular, supplementing their purely economic preferences with environmental ones. and social, the obvious consideration in the content of the policy under consideration of modern challenges and threats of a different nature (including biological and environmental). Some generalizations are appropriate for further theoretical study, others for use in determining the directions, mechanisms and tools of state policy to support the agricultural sector of the economy and rural development in the Russian Federation (after critical analysis and substantial adaptation).

Keywords: Common Agricultural Policy, European Union, rural areas, state support, historical review.

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