Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Integration of Regional Resources for Training Workers on the Example of the Republic of Tyva

УДК 378.1


Subuday Mongush

The structure of the organizational and pedagogical model of the formation of professionally important physical qualities of students in the "school-SPO" system is presented, which includes: a single goal setting for all participants; principles of interaction of all subjects of general and vocational education, employers and social partners; description of ways of their interaction; pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model; the structure of successive educational modules with elements of sports training; the activities of social and industrial partners (informational, logistical, personnel and methodological), in general, aimed at integrating resources. The ways of interaction of partners are revealed: at the republican, municipal and educational levels.

Keywords: model, professionally applied physical training, professionally important physical qualities, social and industrial partners.

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