Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The possibilities of studying the habitat of animals based on digital processing of remote sensing data in the software package "Photomod"

УДК 636


Muzyka S.M.

Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Yezhevsky (Irkutsk)

Sutugina I.M.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

Abstract. The article presents information and ideas on studying the habitat of animals using digital photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data. To carry out experimental work, it is planned to use the Photomod software package and remote sensing data available in the public domain.

The topic of studying natural resources by modern methods is relevant, because it allows you to most quickly receive and process information about the state of natural resources using digital technologies.

Keywords: Natural resources, animal habitat, GIS, remote sensing, aerial and space images, digital photogrammetric processing, Photomod software package.

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