Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Formation of aboveground biomass of lemon monarda (monarda citriodora l.) in the conditions of introduction in the middle urals

УДК 631. 547: 633.8


Valentina Chulkova – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Crop Production and Breeding, 620075, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Karla Libkhneta str., 42. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

O. Pekhtasheva – master's student of the Ural State Agrarian University. 620075, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Karla Libkhneta str., 42.

Abstract. This article about of great interest for growing as a spicy-flavored vegetable plant is the lemon monarda (Monarda citriodora L.), in the leaves and flowers of which contains essential oil, with a pronounced lemon aroma. According to the biological characteristics, of the monarda refers to fairly cold-resistant plants, easily adapts to new conditions, but achieves better development on well-lit ecotopes, fertile soils with normal moisture.

In the experiment, the productivity of aboveground biomass was determined twice during the growing season: the first account was taken on July 20, when the plants were in the budding phase-the beginning of flowering; the second account was taken on August 5, in the mass flowering phase. It is established that the productive qualities of plants differ quite significantly not only in the variants, but also in the dates of accounting. The lowest yield of medicinal raw materials, in the phase of mass flowering, was obtained in the Bergamot Flavor variety-1.93 kg / m2. Significantly more productive was the Lemon flavor variety taken as a control - 2.38 kg / m2. The maximum productivity was provided by the Mona Lisa variety, it ranged from 1.85 kg / m2 (budding phase) to 2.87 kg / m2 (mass flowering phase), which exceeded the productivity formed in the control by 20.6 – 26.7 %.. The differences between the Taste of Bergamot variety and the Mona Lisa variety are even more pronounced: the productivity of the Mona Lisa variety according to the dates of the ball accounting is 34.9 % - 39.5 % higher than that of the Taste of Bergamot variety.

Keywords: varieties of lemon monarda, aboveground biomass, productivity.

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