УДК 37 (371.3)
Olga Chechenikhina – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Professional Development of Youth, Ural state agrarian University. 620075, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Karla Libkhneta str., 42. E-mail:
Abstract. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education indicate that one of the results of mastering the basic educational program by students is the possession of project activity skills. The effective implementation of the development of these skills contributes to the interaction of the school with higher educational institutions. The goal is to implement the project activities of schoolchildren in the system of pre-university training of the Ural State Agrarian University. The project activity of students of secondary schools of the Sverdlovsk region is implemented with the help of the network educational program "Individual project" and during the work of the innovative educational project "aGroschool" by creating agricultural specialized classes (extracurricular activities). This work is of a practical nature, promotes the use of theoretical knowledge in solving modern problems of the agro-industrial complex. In the implementation of project activities, the latest educational and scientific technologies are used, which increase the proportion of material learned by students. The project activity of schoolchildren in the system of pre-university training of the Ural State University makes it possible to increase the degree of readiness of students to enter the University for the development of higher and secondary vocational education programs.
Keywords: project activity, pre-university training, network form of interaction, extracurricular activities, agricultural classes, additional educational programs.