Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


O.S. Chechenihina, kandidat s-h. nauk, dotsent, dotsent kafedry biotehnologii i pischevyh produktov, FGBOU VO Uralskiy GAU (Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Libknehta, 42,), V.N. Sinko, starshiy prepodavatel kafedry filosofii, FGBOU VO Uralskiy GAU

At the stage of choosing a profession — one of the most important decisions made by a person in life-it is necessary to help a teenager determine their interests. As a rule, these tasks are assigned to the school and family, and universities do not actively participate. Activities on pre-University and career guidance work of the University are mainly aimed at the quantitative recruitment of University applicants and are aimed at a more complete coverage of students. Pre-University centers, specialized classes, Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, summer scientific and intensive schools are created in higher education institutions. This work is aimed at the success of students and is the basis of career guidance. At the same time, an individual approach to future applicants at the stage of choosing the direction of professional training, which will provide effective and competent psychological support, is no less important. The process of psychological support of adolescents at the stage of choosing the direction of professional training will be successful if a system of measures based on the acmeological approach, the principles of determination, consistency, subjectivity, using variable forms of interaction with the subjects of the educational process, involving such psychological mechanisms as identification, reflection, anticipation in the processes of observation, discussion, modeling and mental reproduction of future professional activities is implemented. There is an obvious need to justify and develop a program of psychological assistance to applicants at the stage of choosing the direction of professional training. To do this, it is necessary to gradually implement several tasks: at the theoretical level, identify and describe the features of professional self-determination of the individual in adolescence; establish a level characteristic of professional self-determination of older adolescents; develop a program of psychological support for older adolescents at the stage of choosing the direction of professional training; conduct testing of the program of psychological support for older adolescents at the stage of choosing the direction of professional training. This program of psychological assistance to applicants at the stage of choosing the direction of professional training will undoubtedly increase the effectiveness of the University's career guidance system.


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