Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


L. N. Petrova, st. prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta (Ekaterinburg, Karla Libknehta, 42)

State regulation of the economy plays a vital role in the economic life of the country. One of the most important and significant mechanisms of influence on socio-economic processes is the financial system of society, where the state budget is the main link. The development and implementation of the financial and budgetary system is the responsibility of the representative and executive authorities, whose functions for the implementation of the budgetary process are to formulate, review, approve and execute federal and regional budgets. The budget process is the activity of state authorities, local governments and other participants in the budget process, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the preparation and consideration of draft budgets, the approval and execution of budgets, control over their execution, the implementation of budget accounting, preparation, consideration and approval of budget reporting, external verification.


1. Afanasiev M. P., Shash N. N. Rossiyskie byudzhetnye reformy: ot programm sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya do gosudarstvennyh programm Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Voprosy gosudarstvennogo i munitsipalnogo upravleniya. 2019. # 2. S. 48-64. 2. Afanasiev M.P., Alehin B.I., Kravchenko A.I., Kradinov P.G. Otsenka ekonomicheskih sanktsiy // Finansovyy zhurnal. 2017. # 3. S. 6. 3. Bukina I.S., Byudzhetirovanie, orientirovannoe na rezultat, i novoe pravovoe polozhenie gosudarstvennyh (munitsipalnyh) predpriyatiy // ETAP: Ekonomicheskaya teoriya, Analiz, Praktika. 2018. #1. S. 25-43. 4. Galuhin A. V. Ustoychivost kak bazovyy printsip otvetstvennoy byudzhetnoy politiki // Ekonomicheskie i sotsialnye peremeny: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz. 2018. # 2 (32). C. 225-238. 5. Zavalko N.A. Regionalnaya ekonomika, kak faktor opredelyayuschiy tempy ekonomicheskogo rosta strany // Vestnik akademii. 2019. # 3. S.12 – 15. 6. Nikulina E.V., Fedyushina I.G. Harakteristika byudzhetnyh riskov: ekonomicheskaya suschnost i meropriyatiya po ih minimizatsii // Molodoy uchenyy. 2018. # 1(60). S. 411 - 413.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

+7 (343) 221-40-12 - accounting
