Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


E. V. Zarubina, k.f.n., dotsent Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta L. A. Zhuravleva, k.f.n., dotsent Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta N. N. Simachkova, k.i.n., dotsent Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta

Social policy is an aspect of internal politics, the purpose and content of which is to regulate the entire complex of social processes and relations, forms of communication between people. The most important property of politics is to express in a concentrated form the needs, interests of social groups, classes, parties, therefore social policy is nothing but a concentrated embodiment of the needs, interests of people in the field of social relations and their living conditions activities. Social policy is a public policy aimed at achieving a complex and large-scale goal - the purposeful modification of social structures and institutions towards a more complete improvement in the quality of people as citizens and individuals. In this case, we can say that the main object of social policy is the population of the country, which acts as the consuming force of society, the subject of needs and consumption. All types of state policy are closely related. Of particular importance for the development of society is the dialectical relationship between economic and social policy.


1. Aslanova S. H. Sovremennye problemy sotsialnoy politiki gosudarstva i puti ih sovershenstvovaniya // Molodoy uchenyy. 2019. # 9. S. 511 – 514. 2. Baykin I. A. K voprosu o ponyatiyah «sotsialnaya spravedlivost», «sotsialnaya zaschischyonnost», «sotsialnaya nezaschischyonnost» / I. A. Baykin // Vestnik MGTU. 2018. # 2. S. 26 - 30. 3. Lipaykina M.I. Sotsialnaya politika: tseli i teoreticheskie osnovy izucheniya M.I. Lipaykina // Alleya nauki. 2018. T. 4. # 1 (17). S. 113 - 116. 4. Svistun R.A. Suschnosti i osnovnye napravleniya gosudarstvennoy sotsialnoy politiki v Rossii // Nauchnye issledovaniya. 2017. T. 1. # 6 (17). S. 85 - 90. 5. Chupina I. P. Sovremennoe sotsialno – ekonomicheskoe polozhenie agrarnyh predpriyatiy regiona // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2011. # 4. S.107-109. 6. Krivtsov A.I., Polinova L.V., Chupina I.P. Managing change in the holding company as a factor in solving strategic problems of the region. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 2016. T. 11. # 15. S. 7754-7762.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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