Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The market of organic products on the example of Valio

Chupina I. P., d.e.n., professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta

About 160 countries of the world have been supporting the popular trend of consumption of organic products for several decades, 84 countries have laws on organic agriculture. In Russia, interest in such products has increased relatively recently. Buyers are asking more and more questions about how organic products are produced and their impact on the environment. If we talk about international practice, it is possible to call a particular product organic only if it has a certificate of one of the generally accepted certification organizations in the world. This marking symbolizes purity, naturalness and is a mandatory component of any organic product packaging. Whether it's dairy, chocolate or meat. Today, such certification, with the subsequent assignment of organic-marking – is the only reliable and reliable reference point for the consumer who made an informed choice in favor of organic products. Products produced in organic farms do not contain GMOs, preservatives, dyes, flavorings, chemical preservatives; eliminates the treatment of various gases from insects, the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, growth promoters and antibiotics. Soil to improve fertility is treated only by natural means-compost and humus, and to combat pests using sound, light traps and ultrasound. Processing of ecological land is carried out without the use of technology. Valio company from Finland, in addition to the usual healthy and natural products, produces organic products, following market trends and the desires of customers to take care of the environment. The peculiarity of the production of absolutely all Valio products is the company's commitment to the principles of environmental care, lean production, animal care and special additional quality standards of milk and final products, which all branches of the company follow.

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