Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

The image of the russian peasant in the works of V. V. Bervi-Flerovsky

Voronin B.A., d.yu.n., professor,

Stozhko K.P., d.i.n, k.e.n., professor, Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet;

Stozhko D.K., k.f.n., dotsent, Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheskiy universitet

The article on the background of the famous reform of the liberation of the Russian peasantry from serfdom (reform 1861) and the processes of the spread of capitalism in the domestic economy in the middle and second half of the nineteenth century reveals the socio-economic views of the outstanding Russian scientist, economist and sociologist V. V. Bervi Flerovsky. Particular attention is paid to analyzing the views of a scientist on the problems of the development of the agrarian economy of Russia, its regional characteristics and main trends. The subject of research in the article is the generalized image of the Russian peasantry created by V. V. Bervi-Flerovsky in his writings. The authors substantiate the thesis about the humanistic and democratic nature of the ideas of this scholar as one of the representatives of late populism in Russia. A clause was formulated on the inconsistency of the previous assessments of the character and content of the views of V. V. Bervi-Flerovsky as revolutionary-democratic. The evolution of his views and the process of formation of V. V. Bervi-Flerovsky as one of the largest Russian agricultural economists is shown. The main scientific work of the scientist is analyzed in detail – the book «The Position of the Working Class in Russia» (1869). Characterological features of the generalized image of the Russian peasantry created by him in this work are revealed: the collectivist foundations of peasant labor; the specifics of the life and life of Russian peasants, the most important signs of traditional peasant farming culture. The legitimacy of considering the peasantry of the mid-twentieth century as the main productive class of the working class of Russian society and as the main productive force of the country in the absence of developed industry and industrial proletariat is substantiated. A provision has been put forward and convincingly on the role of the scientist in the formation of a fundamentally new direction in the history of economic science – economic humanism.

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