Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Ecological neoindustrialism as a new image of the future of Russia

S.N. Nekrasov, doktor filosofskih nauk, professor


The development of the concept of the neo-industrial system of the authentic Russian society rejects the neoliberal genocide of 90, overcomes the old Soviet industrial system, rejects the technological nature of the transformation of society, in which the majority of the population will become redundant after retraining. Three types of neo-industrial projects of development of the Russian sociality are the most promising in the context of the dynamics of a single complex. Now the peoples of the world are waiting for salvation from the catastrophe of postindustrial society. They need to get rid of the free market, the information age, the fetish of free trade. Here it is necessary to use force and political will – to return by means of strategic planning to the development of agriculture and industry, to improve the quality of education and improve the living standards of the workforce. Russia can and should become the locomotive of such global neo-industrial development in the common and safe future of the United humanity.


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