Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


A.A. Sadov, aspirant,

L.A. Novopashin, k-t teh. nauk, dotsent,

L.V. Denezhko, k-t teh. nauk, dotsent,

YU.V. Pankov, k-t him. nauk, dotsent


The relevance of this issue is confirmed by numerous studies of alternative motor fuels in particular from renewable sources of raw materials (biomass) studied in various regions of the Russian Federation and abroad. As a raw material for the production of diesel blended fuels, Maslenica cultures not used in the food industry are attractive, such as safflower, redhead, rape, prune, Abyssinian crumb and castor oil. At present, there is a growing need in the Russian Federation for ricin oil used in military, chemical, machinebuilding, radio electronic, printing, paint, medical, cosmetic and other industries. As a result of the processing of castor beans by cold pressing in residual meal or husk, there remains about 10% of the oil that can be recovered by processing the meal using extraction technology to produce a technical ricin oil with the possibility of using it as a raw material for the production of paint and varnish, lubricants and diesel mixed fuel. However, the viscosity of ricin oil is an order of magnitude higher than that of diesel fuel, so it must be used in a mixture with low-viscosity components. As an additive to ricin oil, mineral oil fuel and bioethanol can be used due to which the viscosity of the mixture decreases significantly, the cloud point and crystallization temperature decreases and makes it suitable for use in standard diesel power systems in terms of high-quality spraying, low-temperature properties. As a diesel mixed fuel, a mixture of ricin oil (RitzM), bioethanol and summer diesel fuel according to GOST 305-2013 was investigated. On the basis of the performed heat calculation, the operating cycle indices are determined, the dependences on the concentration of the components of the mixture fuel are shown. Based on the results of the theoretical calculation, the obtained indicators were compared with diesel fuel.


1. Markov V.A., Devyanin S.N., Kaskov S.I. Optimizatsiya sostava smesey neftyanogo dizelnogo topliva s rastitelnymi maslami // Izvestiya vuzov. Mashinostroenie. 2016. #7 (676). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
2. Uhanov A.P., Uhanov D.A., Adgamov I.F. Biotoplivo dlya avtotraktornyh dizeley iz saflorovogo masla // Niva Povolzhya. 2016. #4 (41). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
3. Uhanov A. P., Uhanov D. A., Adgamov I. F. Issledovanie svoystv biologicheskih komponentov dizelnogo smesevogo topliva // Niva Povolzhya. 2014. #1 (30). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
4. Pankov YU.V., Novopashin L.A., Denezhko L.V., Sadov A.A. Kolichestvennye sootnosheniya i svoystva smesevyh sistem uglevodorodnogo sostava dlya dizelnogo dvigatelya // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2016. # 12 (154). S. 72-76.
5. Uhanov A.P., Uhanov D.A., Adgamov I.F. Dizelnoe smesevoe toplivo: problemy i innovatsionnye razrabotki // Izvestiya Samarskoy gosudarstvennoy selskohozyaystvennoy akademii. 2016. T. 1. # 2. S. 46-51.
6. Uhanov D.A., Adgamov I.F. Rezultaty motornyh issledovaniy dizelya d-243-648 pri rabote na safloromineralnom toplive // V sbornike: OBRAZOVANIE, NAUKA, PRAKTIKA: INNOVATSIONNYY ASPEKT Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, posvyaschennoy Dnyu rossiyskoy nauki. FGBOU VPO "Penzenskaya gosudarstvennaya selskohozyaystvennaya akademiya". 2015. S. 76-80.
7. Denezhko L.V., Novopashin L.A., Asanbekov K.A. Issledovanie rapsovyh smesey razlichnogo sostava v traktornom dizele // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2015. # 1 (131). S. 53-54.
8. Plotnikov S.A., Cheremisinov P.N., Kartashevich A.N., Biryukov A.L. Issledovanie raboty avtotraktornogo dizelya 4CHN 11,0/12,5 na smesyah dizelnogo topliva s rapsovym maslom // Molochnohozyaystvennyy vestnik. 2017. #1 (25). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
9. Zagorodskih B. P. Rabota traktornogo dvigatelya na biotoplive // Izvestiya NV AUK. 2017. #2 (46). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
10. Markov V.A., Nagornov S.A., Devyanin S.N. Sostav i teplota sgoraniya biotopliv, poluchaemyh iz rastitelnyh masel // Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Seriya «Estestvennye nauki». 2012. #2. URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
11. Uhanova YU.V., Voskresenskiy A.A., Uhanov A.P. Sravnitelnaya otsenka svoystv ras-titelnyh masel, ispolzuemyh v kachestve biodobavki k neftyanomu dizelnomu toplivu // Niva Povolzhya. 2017. #2 (43). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
12. Markov V.A., Devyanin S.N., Kaskov S.I. Optimizatsiya sostava smesey neftyanogo dizelnogo topliva s rastitelnymi maslami // Izvestiya vuzov. Mashinostroenie. 2016. #7 (676). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
13. Plotnikov S.A. Sozdanie novyh alternativnyh topliv // Kontsept. 2014. # 10. URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
14. Chibanda E. K., Slavutskiy V. M., Kurapin A. V., Salykin E. A. Otsenka vliyaniya so-stava i svoystv smesey dizelnogo topliva i palmovogo masla na pokazateli protsessa vpryskivaniya topliva v dizele // Izvestiya NV AUK. 2017. #2 (46). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
15. Uhanov A.P., Uhanov D.A., Adgamov I.F. Teoreticheskiy analiz energozatrat ma-shinno-traktornogo agregata pri rabote na dizelnom smesevom toplive // Niva Povol-zhya. 2015. #1 (34). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
16. Markov V.A., Devyanin S.N., Trifonov V.L. Smesevoe biotoplivo s dobavkoy lnyanogo masla dlya dizelnyh dvigateley // Izvestiya vuzov. Mashinostroenie. 2015. #7 (664). URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
17. Markov V.A., Markova V.V., Sivachyov V.M., Sivachyov S.M. Optimizatsiya sostava smesevyh biotopliv na osnove rastitelnyh masel dlya dizelnyh dvigateley // Vestnik VolGU. Seriya 10: Innovatsionnaya deyatelnost. 2014. #4. URL: (data obrascheniya: 22.01.2018).
18. Lilibeth A. Acosta, Damasa B. Magcale-Macandog, K. S. Kavi Kumar, Xuefeng Cui, Elena A. Eugenio, Paula Beatrice M. Macandog, Arnold R. Salvacion and Jemimah Mae A. The Role of Bioenergy in Enhancing Energy, Food and Ecosystem Sustainability Based on Societal Perceptions and Preferences in Asia. Agriculture 2016, 6(2),
19. Ngang E.A., Abbe C.V. Ngayihi. Experimental and numerical analysis of the performance of a diesel engine retrofitted to use LPG as secondary fuel // APPLIED THERMAL ENGI-NEERING. MAY 2018. Vol. 136. Pp. 462-474.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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