Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Features of agricultural production

B. A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

I. P. Chupina, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor,

YA. V. Voronina, starshiy prepodavatel,

YU. N. Chupin, aspirant


Agriculture, unlike other industries, has its own specifics. Here you can see a close intertwining of technical and technological, socio-economic and natural-biological processes. A distinctive feature of this industry is the use of land as the main means of production. Land differs significantly from other means of production. These differences are as follows. First, the earth is a product of nature. By contrast, other means of production are the result of human activity. Currently, people can already create artificial soils in the form of hydroponics, when the roots of plants are fixed in some solid substrate (sand, gravel, etc.), where the nutrient solution is supplied. However, the share of agricultural products grown using hydroponics is a tiny amount. Another feature of agricultural production is less, compared with other sectors of the economy, commodity production. A significant part of their production remains in agricultural enterprises, but comes to the market and used as means of production. Another feature of agricultural production is the slow turnover of labour. The fact is that many types of labor in agriculture are used only for a short period of time.


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