E.S. Kulikova, kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, dotsent,
G.S. Timohina, kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, dotsent
In the current economic, social and political conditions in the sphere of professional marketing more confident includes awareness of the necessity of studying the preferences and capabilities of different groups of consumers, thus avoiding errors in the development of the commodity, price, marketing and communication policy of the enterprise.
1. Kulikova E.S. Osobennosti marketingovyh tehnologiy territorii / I.V. Razorvin, E. S. Kulikova // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2012. # 3. S. 81–82/
2. Kulikova E.S. Organizatsiya marketingovogo issledovaniya lokalnoy territorii / E.S. Kulikova, O.V. Tsitsina // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2015. # 1.
3. Ruschitskaya O.A., Kulikova E.S. Marketingovaya kontseptsiya strategii razvitiya territo-riy // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2015. #10 (140). S. 90-92.
4. Cheng L.T.W., Chan R.Y.K., Leung T.Y. Impact of perk expenditures and marketing expenditures on corporate performance in China: The moderating role of polit-ical connections // JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. MAY, 2018. V. 86. Pp.: 83-95.