Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Lands of the Water Fund: Legal Regulation

УДК 349.4


Khomyakova M. A.

This article reveals the definition of the concept of water fund lands in accordance with the land legislation of the Russian Federation. Considering the complex regulation of various categories of land, the author says that the right to land use is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to protect natural resources in general.

The analysis of the norms of land, water, civil, etc. branches of law regulating relations, the subject of which are the lands of the water fund, the author comes to the conclusion about the intersectoral regulation of such relations (this is confirmed by the judicial practice cited by the author).

The article provides examples of regional regulation of relations related to the lands of the water fund.

Keywords: lands of the water fund; water law; water fund; environmental law; natural resource law

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