УДК 378.4, 541.8
Evgeniy Suslove – candidate of chemical science, associate professor, Ural state agrarian University. 620075, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Karla Libkhneta str., 42. E-mail:
Abstract. In the modern world, more and more people have to face the problem of material perception. This problem is relevant to different starting levels of students at the beginning of the course. A similar situation occurs when working with international students, where there is often a language barrier. The presented article is aimed at solving the indicated problems. Here, a discrete approach to solving problems of the natural science block is proposed. The method is equally well suited for areas of engineering, agronomy, veterinary medicine, or technology. The presented approach allows you to remove blocking moments for students that arise when reading, for example, chemical problems or when working with international students. The algorithm proposed in the article has been tested on students from different countries and at varying training levels. It is suitable for work with high school students, secondary vocational schools, school students, and private practices.
Keywords: natural science problems, international students, solution method, educational standards.