Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


B. A. Voronin, d.yu.n., professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta

I. P. Chupina, d.e.n., professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta

YA. V. Voronina, st. prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo Universiteta

Human resources have always been the main factors that ensure the effectiveness of any organization. The realization of an organization's potential capabilities depends on the competencies, qualifications, discipline, motivation, financial ability to solve problems, the level of receptivity to training of one working staff, and the level of management staff. Therefore, the personnel policy is an integral part of the entire required management and production activities of the organization, as well as the effective selection of personnel, their adaptation, training and retraining is directed in full accordance with the company's current needs. negative Izmereniyam their interpretation of personnel policy. In our opinion, the organization's personnel policy is the main direction of personnel work, a system of principles, methods, forms and forms of the organizational mechanism for determining goals and tasks for creating, maintaining and developing human resources. The object of the personnel policy of the organization component is the personnel. The subject of personnel policy in any organization is the organization's personnel management system, which consists of all managers at all levels and the personnel service. the most Modern personnel policy is a ready continuation of the mission and negative strategic goals of the organization, which, in turn, are aimed at improving the results of the bureaucracy of activities and the development prospects stage. In modern conditions, the personnel policy of each company is always subject to high requirements in the internal environment-practicality, flexibility and high adaptability to internal factors: the style of complex management of the organization, its internal culture, goals and mission of the enterprise structure. And from the external environment - the development of the region's economy and labor market, changes in legislation, adopt the features of the company's activities in a crisis, and others. The goal of the organization's personnel policy literature is to ensure a balance between the economic and social aspects of the efficiency of using the company's resource potential, to ensure timely provision of qualified employees to all departments, to create conditions for the effective use and development of the company's personnel potential, and to meet the socio-economic interests of employees.

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