Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


A. V. Abramchuk, k. b. n., dotsent kafedry rastenievodstva i selektsii,

M. YU. Karpuhin, k. s.-h. n., dotsent kafedry ovoschevodstva i plodovodstva im N. F. Konyaeva Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta (Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Libknehta, 42)

The spirea, ilitavolga (SpiraéaL.). The genus contains 80-90 species; There are many forms of hybrid. Deciduous shrubs from 0.15 to 2.5 m tall, with a thin, rod-shoots. At the time of flowering spirea are divided into two groups: spring-flowering - belotsvetnye, bloom in early summer, together, but of short duration (10-15 days); flowers develop on the shoots of the previous year; letnetsvetuschie - pink-, malinovo- and red-bloom in late summer and autumn, they bloom usually abundant, stretched over time (often until frost); the flowers develop on the shoots of the current year. Fast-growing, forming up to 30-40 cm of growth per year; into early flowering time. Undemanding to the soil, can grow on sandy, rocky and dry. Most species are quite hardy, but their nevyzrevshie shoots may freeze in the winter with little snow, but then the decorative plants is not reduced. Fairly light-requiring, better grow and bloom profusely in the illuminated field. Well tolerated haircut. Resistant to urban conditions. A great variety of shapes and sizes of the bush, especially valued for profuse and long blooming. Using knowledge of the timing of flowering, can be the selection of species to achieve continuous flowering almost throughout the growing season. Recommended for hedges, groups, single landings, low curbs, shade-tolerant species - in the undergrowth, in sparse groups of trees with delicate crowns alive izgorodyah. Shiroko used in landscape gardening construction of the following types of spiraea: crenate (Spiraea crenata L.), Dubrovkolistnaya (Spiraea chamaedryfolia L.), zveroboelistnaya (Spiraea hypericifolia L.), purple loosestrife (Spiraea salicifolia L.), charming (Spiraeabella Sims.), sirenetsvetnaya (Spiraea syringaeflora Lem.).

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