Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


A. V. Abramchuk, k. b. n., dotsent kafedry rastenievodstva i selektsii;

M. YU. Karpuhin, k. s.-h. n., dotsent kafedry ovoschevodstva Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta, (Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Libknehta, 42)

Among the medicinal plants of the Middle Urals containing saponins, the most famous are volodushka, istod, medunitsa, mother and stepmother, mylnyanka, Primula, and sinyukha. Saponins are used in medicine as expectorants, diuretics, tonic and adaptogenic substances that lower blood pressure. Many saponins is effective in the sclerosis of blood vessels. Mylnyanka medicinal (Saponaria officinalis L.) in the Middle Urals is found in the pre – Urals and in the Beloyarsky, Nitsinsky, Pyshminsky districts-on zakustarennym river valleys, water meadows. In all parts of the plant there are triterpene saponins (up to 20%), and in the roots and rhizomes - up to 25% (saponaroside, saporubin, saponicic acid). Saponins are water-soluble and easily form compounds with cholesterol. Preparations from mylnyanka have antiviral activity, surface-active action to gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Mother and stepmother (Tussilago farfara L.) in the Urals is found especially often on clay and calcareous soils, along the sandy banks of rivers, streams, along roads, near railway embankments. Leaves, as a mild, expectorant, diaphoretic, are used for upper respiratory tract diseases, fever, in the initial stage of pulmonary tuberculosis.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

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