Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


I. P. Chupina, d.e.n., professor Uralskogo GAU,

E. V. Zarubina, k.f.n., dotsent Uralskogo GAU (Ekaterinburg, Karla Libknehta, 42)

In the process of development of the Russian economy, such an important form as the competitiveness of enterprises is of particular importance. Competitiveness determines the ability to withstand competition in comparison with similar objects in a given market. Management of the organization's competitiveness is a field of knowledge and professional activity aimed at forming and ensuring the achievement of goals to improve the organization's competitiveness. The company's ability to influence environmental factors is quite limited, since they act primarily objectively in relation to the company. The real possibilities of the company's competitiveness are in the sphere of internal environment factors. Therefore, these factors can be affected with varying degrees of effectiveness. The technologies used at the enterprise form requirements for the quantitative and qualitative composition of fixed assets, the communication system, the composition and qualification of industrial and production personnel, the natural resources used, and the information processing system. In turn, the above requirements determine the production capacity of the enterprise, the quantity and quality of working capital required for the implementation of the production process. At the same time, in order to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, despite the importance of modern technical and technological conditions of production, it is also necessary to pay attention to the formation of a management system at the enterprise. Therefore, among the internal factors of the organization's competitiveness, the most important role is played by the level of quality of the organization's management, that is, the level of training of managers, the ability to conduct business operations correctly in conditions of constant changes in the market. These factors are key in determining the organization's competitiveness in the market.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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