Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


Teaching the principles of social and psychological security high school students

V.N. Kapitskiy, dotsent, UrGAU,

N.E. Simonovich, doktor psihologicheskih nauk, professor, RGGU,

Nartdinova YU.M., student 4 kursa (bakalavr) UrGYUU 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the actual topic of social and psychological security and reveals one of the principles of education in the educational, educational and personnel policy of higher education. Two main principles on the implementation of innovative security training in the system of education and vocational education are revealed in detail. The article describes the important qualities of the necessary specialists and reveals the factors that contribute to the education and training of young professionals. It is concluded that an innovative approach to teaching the principles of socio-psychological security, education and training will allow to prepare specialists for solving the tasks and obtaining the final results and will provide social and psychological security during the period of training. In teaching the principles of social and psychological security there is no traditional broadcast of knowledge to students. The article gives specific practical recommendations on how to implement the control of knowledge, and teachers need to be included in the practical work in the workplace. 

Keywords: social and psychological safety, principles of training, innovative approach, education, motives of personality, competence, personal qualities, education, society, learning, creativity.

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