B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,
I.P. Chupina, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor,
YA.V. Voronina, starshiy prepodavatel,
YU.N. Chupin, aspirant, UrGAU.
In the development of households there is a fundamentally new stage. Its most important feature is the cooperation of households with public agricultural production, prepared by the pre-vious relationship between them. However, cooperation is a dynamic process and involves many different forms. The economic mechanism of its development needs in-depth study and im-provement. Cooperation and integration with the public sector affect the specialization and level of marketability of private households and, consequently, change their traditional socio-economic functions. To enhance the production activities of farms is important to find ways to improve logistics and services, development of supply and production and marketing of peasant cooperation, which will require the development of specific recommendations for the practical implementation of this problem, taking into account the prevailing regional conditions. The ver-tical concentration of production on the basis of cooperation and integration of small producers with the public sector is the most appropriate task of improving the socio-economic structure of production in the agricultural sector. In agriculture, as in any other sphere of management, the production process is closely intertwined with the biological. The main means of production – land and natural factors geographically dispersed. In the presence of large-sized land areas on which it is advisable to organize large-scale mechanized production, there are also small plots of land-near peasant estates, on forest edges, which can be involved in economic turnover with small forms of management.
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