Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Improving the financial sustainability of the enterprise

Kirina I. L., kandidat sotsiologicheskih nauk, dotsent,

Hilyazheva M. A., magistrant Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo professionalno-pedagogicheskogo universiteta (Ekaterinburg, ul. Mashinostroiteley, 11).

The article considers the financial performance of the enterprise and ways of their improvement, assessment of efficiency of activity of the enterprise. The purpose of writing this article is to assess the financial condition of the enterprise, development and economic justification of measures aimed at improving the financial condition of the company. Solved main research objectives, namely: to assess the financial condition of the company; determination of the role of financial status in the efficiency of the enterprise; develop and justify activities to improve the financial condition of the company "Uralredmet". Proposed napravleniya increasing efficiency of enterprises and ways of improving the financial sustainability of the enterprise.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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