Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Legal Regulation of Digitalization of Agriculture in the Russian Federation

УДК 349.4


Khomyakova M. A.

The text of the article deals with such an urgent problem as the prospects of digitalization of agriculture in the Russian Federation. The author emphasizes that digitalization has become a part of every person's modern life, and all spheres of society somehow translate part of their activities into digital format. The analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation showed the interest of the government of the country in the introduction of digitalization in agriculture. On the example of the legislation of the Sverdlovsk region, the implementation of the policy of digitalization of agriculture by the regions of the Russian Federation is considered. Regulatory acts of foreign states – Russia's economic partners (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India) have been studied. The policy of these countries is also aimed at digitalization of agriculture, and in order to continue cooperation, it is necessary to take into account the plans of partners, which also indicates the need to continue the digital policy in Russia. Conclusions are drawn about the inevitability of digitalization of agriculture and the need for legal regulation of this process, as well as about the prospects of a new stage in the development of agricultural science in connection with the ongoing changes.

Key words: agriculture; agrarian law; digitalization; economy; cfirovization of agriculture; state strategy.

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