Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Public Easement Under Chapter V.7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation: Legal Nature, Features of the Distribution of Competence

УДК 349.41


Derkho D. S.

This article is devoted to the consideration of the question of the legal nature of the public easement, put into effect by the norms of Chapter V.7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation (for certain purposes, in particular, for the construction, reconstruction, operation, capital repairs of linear objects), as well as the development of criteria by which the body authorized to establish the appropriate encumbrance is to be determined when the presence of forest fund lands or lands of other categories as part of the land plots in respect of which it is requested, in respect of which the current legislation establishes the specifics of establishing an easement.

Keywords: easement; public easement; decision to establish a public easement; placement of a linear object

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